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You may notice that links to outside websites are available as part of the functionality of When clicking on those links, a "cookie" is sometimes set on your computer so that tracking information is available to the outside site, which will identify that your session there is a logical continuation from the session here. Personal information is not stored at that time. However, while you are visiting the destination site, you may be asked to voluntarily provide some personal information. does not have access to the information that you provide at the outside sites, and if interested you should consult the privacy policy of that (those) sites in order to determine if you wish to provide that personal information. also uses cookies as part of the "Recent Searches" feature. We do not request nor store any personal information ourselves, simply a record of search data you enter into our search boxes.

To the best of our knowledge, we do not link to any unreputable site. wants to ensure that its Privacy Policy meets the needs of its visitors. If you feel that this PrivacyPolicy is inaccurate, misleading, or needs improvement, please contact us.